American Indian Film Institute Module 3 Blog Post

“What source did you review and who created it? What perspective do you think it is meant to convey? Provide at least one specific example and citation from the M3 Online Resources to support your opinions” (M3 Academic Journal Blog Academic Journal Blog Goals (Briefly Revisited)).
The source for my blog assignment was found in the webpage of the course entitled: “M3 Online Resources” and it was the link on that page entitled: “American Indian Film Institute” ( SUNY Empire State College). The institute was created in 1975 and was originally located in Seattle Washing on and then the Institute relocated to San Francisco in 1977 and the institute is still located in San Francisco today (American Indian Film Institute).
According to the AIFI on their website  webpage entitled: “What We Do” the “perspective” that the institute is trying to purvey is a non-biased Native American “perspective” by giving  young Native Americans ages 10-18 a platform that allows them the opportunity of educating Native Americans , and  non-Native Americans so that everyone has a  better understanding of their cultures while at the same time eliminating some of the biases associated with Native Americans in today’s mainstream culture (AIFI Digital Media) (American Indian Film Institute) (American Indian Film Institute) (Berner).
 Again as mentioned above this done by teaching young Native American children the power of storytelling, and educating them in the use basic modern filmmaking technology in order to allow the children to tell their particular story, or get their desired message out to the public whatever that message is. In providing this service to native American youths it is helping young Native Americans avoid potentially dangerous life choices by keeping Native American children involved in a program that helps educate others rather than potentially hurting themselves or others (AIFI Digital Media) (American Indian Film Institute) (American Indian Film Institute) (Berner).
However this area of storytelling via acting threw, theater, film, or television has always been of a strong interest to me. My father now retired was a Professor at Ithaca College who taught, playwriting, diction, acting, and would once a year usually in the fall term would direct a production based on a famous play, or musical.
So as can be imagined during my childhood evenings during productions were usually spent accompanying my father to reading, and blocking rehearsals, dress rehearsals, tech rehearsals, and final productions. Surprisingly I never became an actor. However I now know many former students of my fathers that are family friends that did make it to television, Broadway, and even film. Who worked very hard in order to entertain, and perhaps in some case educate other individuals.

“Why do you think these web resources where selected and put into this course and not others? What makes a quality academic website and do you think the website you reviewed is one? Provide at least one specific example and citation from the M3 Online Resources to support your opinions” (M3 Academic Journal Blog Academic Journal Blog Goals (Briefly Revisited)).
In a short answer my thought is that the website for the organization entitled the American Indian Film Institute (AIFI) is in fact an educational organization in its own right. We will better explain our reasoning behind this below (AIFI Digital Media) (American Indian Film Institute) (American Indian Film Institute) (Berner).
The organization and what it does it is a complete educational circle in my opinion. For example the site mentions that they teach Native American youths about the process of storytelling, and conveying important messages, and their ideas threw film. From the designing, and building of sets and costumes, to the learning of the lines, to the editing of the film to make the film ready for the public to view such as with the film entitled “ Alien Boy and Talking Dog” (AIFI Digital Media) (American Indian Film Institute) (American Indian Film Institute) (Berner).
The students then use the knowledge that they have gained to express themselves with a short film like “Alien Boy and Talking Dog” or PSA (public service announcement). Either production is made with the goal of educating the public about Native Americas or about resources for individuals with other needs, or problems such as the case with Public Service Announcements that the students also make at the AIFI (AIFI Digital Media) (American Indian Film Institute) (American Indian Film Institute) (Berner).
 “Has the information you have read thus far changed, in some way, your view of native communities? Provide at least one specific example and citation from the M3 Online Resources to support your opinions” (M3 Academic Journal Blog Academic Journal Blog Goals (Briefly Revisited)).
While this hasn’t really changed my view of Native Americans as mentioned above all the information that I am exposed to is simply another bit of information and education when it comes to Native Americans. However AIFI is a wonderful organization and a great tool to reach, and educate individuals on various topics and of various backgrounds to hopefully have a positive influence on them.
Hopefully someday by the institute helping children like Jesse Walton shoot films like “Alien Boy and Talking Dog” it will eventually lift the vail of mystery, and misconceptions that others might have of American Indians. Something that is a great goal to have (AIFI Digital Media) (American Indian Film Institute) (American Indian Film Institute) (Berner)!
On a closing note the video entitled: “Alien Boy and Talking Dog Live Short. 4 Min” was really quite entertaining and fun to watch (AIFI Digital Media).

Works Cited

SUNY Empire State College. "M3 Online Resources." n.d. SUNY Empire State College. Webpage. 15 August 2017. <>.
AIFI Digital Media. "Alien Boy and Talking Dog . Live Short. 4 Min." 2 July 2016. You Tube. 15 August 2017. <>.
American Indian Film Institute. 42 American Indian Film Festival. n.d. Website. 15 August 2017. <>.
—. "What We Do." n.d. American Indian Film Institute. 15 August 2017. <>.
Berner, Alan. "Mutimedia Workshop Expands Tribal Youths' Universe." 16 July 2016. The Seattle Times. Article. 15 August 2017. <>.
"M3 Academic Journal Blog Academic Journal Blog Goals (Briefly Revisited)." n.d. SUNY Empire State College. 15 August 2017. <>.
Manning, Sarah Sunshine. "Seven Events Worth Experincing : 2016 Hot List." 7 July 2016. Indian Country Today. 15 August 2016. <>.


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