Santa Fe boarding school
I reviewed the video on Educating to End Inequity. I thought this was a very noteworthy source within our resources to acknowledge. It is my opinion this was chosen as the material for this class to show some of the changes that are occurring within Native American Culture and a great example of the preservation of culture by Pueblo Indians. Santa Fe Indian School was opened in 1890 as an Indian boarding school. The Department of Indian Affairs created this school along with several other boarding schools to “Assimilate native children to American Culture”. Joel Spring, Professor of Educational Studies describes the intent of the Santa Fe Indian School as “a way to deculture Indians. (Video). In 1975 The Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act changed the control of such schools like Santa Fe Indian School who gained control of their school in 1976. This allowed contracts with tribal governments to receive Federal Services. These contracts gave grants to tribes to ...
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