
Showing posts from May, 2017

Me and the Start of my Journey to Understand the First Peoples of North America

As an introduction, my name is Tim McDaniel.  I am originally from Terre Haute, Indiana and have lived in numerous states within the US.  I currently reside in western New York with my wife and Boxer where I work full-time and I am taking courses at the Empire State College.  I love to fish and wish I could do it more often.  A couple of photos of me, my wife, and our dog Colbie and one of my favorite fishing photos. Me with a large Striped Bass caught in the Napa River in California Prior to taking this course, the First Peoples of North America, I completed a Philosophy course; another prerequisite of my degree program.  I have never taken a philosophy course and I have to admit that it, more than any other course to date, has changed the way I look at everything in my “factual” universe with greater questioning and not relying on what I know to be “true” in order to develop my new “truth” which may or may not align with my current viewpoi...

Navajo Traditional & Modern Dress

Hi Bathsheva, I couldn't share these in my comment so wanted to create a new blog post to show the beauty of my Navajo friends (on FB name is naiomi glasses). These were here senior pictures to show traditional dress, jewelry, regalia in addition to the white dress which is modern. She is inside a hogan on the first picture. I just love them and they show such a beautiful depiction of terrain she lives  by and her culture. Best, Nn p.s. she makes/sells traditional rugs and her brother (Tyrell Woolboy) makes jewelry. This is in no way an endorsement just sharing of information :-)      

"By this Song I Walk"

As one of the assignments for this course had us watching videos of Native Americans, I encountered a video of a cultural walking song performed by Mr. Andrew Natonabah of the Navajo tribe. The song is entitled, “By this Song I Walk” . The song is structured repetitively, with different verses all returning to the same chorus line. I could see how the rhythm of the song made it an ideal song to walk to. In watching and listening to Natonabah’s “By this Song I Walk”, I was struck by the endurance of the language and culture. I had not expected such continuity. It was impressive and pleasing to watch. I noticed that the song connects the singer to the land and the elements, as well as to God. These themes are what I’d expect of a Native song. I was also taken by the style in which he spoke to the children about the historical cite they were in. There was a cadence to his speech, as if he was still singing or repeating by rote. There was definitely an element of ritual to the commun...

Start Blogging (enjoy this exercise - more talking than academic)

Hello Class, Some of you may be blogging pros, while I know others are blogging novices. If you are here, clearly you already read and followed the instructions from Module 1 on blogging. The first assignment states: Remember, the point of journaling is to convey your ideas about what you are learning, but since you are in an academic format, it should be substantiated by the information that you are exposed to in this course. It does not matter if you like or dislike something; what matters is why you feel the way you do and what lead you in the sources you reviewed to feel that way. 1. Write a 250 word minimum piece of writing that can be used in a blog post. Your writing must document and describe one of the web resources in Module 01 and tell us, the reader what you have learned from it. Do not assume that all of your readers are familiar with the resource. Here is a good link for composing a quality academic journal post: